Friday, October 25, 2013

Travel to Brazil for Free

Travel to Brazil can be expensive.  You need to apply for a Visa for $180 and get a plane ticket which can run $1200-$1600, but here is how to make the trip worthwhile.  Re-sell electronic goods!  

It's probably best to find a buyer ahead of time.  For the more expensive items the Brazilians may want to go on a payment plan and that isn't really practical, if you are not living within the country.  So find a friend that lives in Brazil and have them find buyers for you that can pay in cash.  When you arrive, you just plan to make the exchange and you should be set with plenty of Reals.  

Check out the below sites and the current prices in Brazilian Reals:

iMac sell for $2500:

iPhone 3GS for $250:

Ebay for Brazil -->

Victoria Secret items also are hot sellers.

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