After taking Thanksgiving day off, I played on Friday night ("Black Friday," as they call the shopping day after Turkey day...) Friday night is my normal night of playing and I was ready for it after a long day of shopping for gifts. I cashed out for exactly $400 after buying in for $200. I am up over $1100 this month and only played 4 sessions. So far this month is turning out to be my best month in 8 months since I lost my job and went pro for two months. During that time I played almost everyday in April 2008. April was an over $2000 month. I really thought I could go pro, but my better instincts told me that would be foolish and my mom would kill me.
I played for 7 hours. I actually got my stack up to $400 within the first 1.5hr. Then, I was in reverse for 5 hrs, slowly donking off most of the winnings. I got back into the game when I hit a hand with Jessica. She is pictured right getting a massage from the new game girl "Jess". Both of which had some nice knockers.. Yes, her shirt is off and I had a very nice view. It looks like she is topless, but she really just undone her straps on her tank top. She was already wearing a skimpy little thing and it was a real distraction see her unstrap in front of me. Luckily, I don't get to distracted, but I told her I did. (You can see Stan in the background just drooling over the chicas... ha ha..)
I am actually a very discipline player and try very hard to never go on tilt. You can see that Jessica at that time had $400 in front of her. She got that when she hit Aces and another pushed her all-in with pocket nines. I saw another guy push all in with pocket fours. I told him to stop watching the girls. I told Jessica, see what you did to the poor guy. He pushed all-in with pocket fours, thinking that were Aces... These little comments go a long way to making people think about what you are thinking. Just remember everything you say and how it might be perceived. The most important mind aspect about poker is what you think the other player is thinking about you. If you can master that, then you have the edge.
Unfortunately, I made most of my money from Jessica. I cracked her Aces with a set of Jacks. She asked to check it down pre-flop and I got lucky to hit my set. If we didnt check it down, then she probably would have lost her stack to me. Later in the night I turn the nut straight with AK when she had two pair (AJ or A10 not sure.. she never showed). I didn't slow play her, but maybe she thought I was distracted by her boobs and was just going to give her my money. I really hated taking her money, since she is a super nice girl (in a bad girl kinda way), but I have to play my game and take my profits from whomever falls in my way. Sorry baby! better luck next time, it was other peoples money anyways on temporarily loan to you...