Saturday, December 13, 2008

Quads twice and I still loss?

I was back to my Michigan home all week. I went to work for a software company in Austin, TX. I was in the middle of recommend usage of there software at my previous place of employment in Michigan. After my old company let me go, the software company offered me a position to work there. My old company did decide to purchase their software and now I get to go back to my old job place and install it.

Needless to say, the weather in Michigan is colder then Texas. I left 70F to goto 13F and snow on the ground. I felt like I never left Michigan. The feelings of Michigan all came back to me and I felt like I never left. I thought I would feel the cold, but I got used to it pretty quick and it was like I never left. I did have to find my jacket and winter clothes. I packed it all away and was hoping to never used them again. I wish I was back in Texas with my "novia" I miss her.

I only had a chance to play poker on Friday night. It was a tough night at Palace Poker. I had some big hands. Pocket Aces once, no action. Pocket Queens like 4 times and cracked 3 time, someone hitting a set and trips on me. I did hit quads twice, 7777 and 9999! But had little action on it. I should have cleaned up, but got short stacked after losing $100 with my pocket Queens. The Palace had a prize pool for the top 3 hands of the night. My Quads didn't even make it, since you needed both cards to play and by 1am there were 3 straight flushes... Damn, those are some big hands..
I did suck out on one guy that is worth mentioning. I was in the small blind and short stacked at about $45. I had 94. Everyone limped in. The flop is 939. I check hoping that someone would bluff at it. The button bets $15 and I go all-in. He instant calls my $45 all-in. I asked if he had a flush draw. He said no and shows pocket 33s. He flopped a boat! Damn I am screwed. I think I need to hit a 4 or runner runner pair. Well the turn is a 7 and I think its over for me. The river is a 9!! I hit quads for the second time that night! It was sick!
I should have re-buy earlier. I should never had let myself get so low. The guy would have called my all-in and I would have been up for the night. You never know when you hit your hand and you better have money when you do. Sometimes to win big, you have to win from behind. Its sad, bit sometimes its the only way. This is the second time I hit quads on someone after the board trips up. The other lesson to the story is never slow play bottom boat! Even though it seems like a strong hand, you never know what the river will bring. You play it hard and you play it fast!
At the end of the night, I had loss $134. Not to bad, all things considered. The table was super tight and all regulars that remember me and hardly ever gave me action. I had to lose sometime, I am glad it was a small amount.

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